A brilliant beginning of a research paper also demands an equally brilliant ending to the paper. The concluding paragraph should be clear enough. If you can get it right; it will add weight to what you have written earlier in your paper.

We shall start by letting our readers know the types of conclusions that are available. You need to pick on a style and exploit it to the full to bring out something that will add full value to your work. 

Editorial conclusion

This is the type of conclusion that connects your thoughts with your research findings. 

This is an ideal way to conclude if you are working on a paper that presents opinions; controversial information or a paper that needs a humanistic approach. It will be pretty easy to get your opinions with your research findings.

Externalizing conclusion

There is a way to bring out new topics that are not included in your research work. The ideas presented in this type of conclusion are not directly related to what you have stated in your research. This category of the conclusion will get your readers thinking in a new direction. 

Summarizing conclusion 

This is the popular type of conclusion and the one that will be demanded by most tutors. The summarizing conclusion represents a summary of your thesis statement and what you had in the body of your paper. This should not be a repetition of what you have earlier written, but a format that is cleverly different from what you had earlier written. This is a confirmation of the major points that you have raised.  

The approach to writing your conclusion

When it is time to write your conclusion; the following tips will be of valuable help. Following the outline that you care about reading will be of help to achieve the results that will add value to your efforts.

  • Your research topic: It is expected of every student to state their research topic again in the concluding part of your paper. 
  • Your thesis statements: You are also expected to state your thesis statement after your research topic. You must try and reword the thesis here as a slight variation from what you wrote in the introduction. But they must convey the said meaning.
  • Your main points: You are expected to give a summary of the major points in the body of your paper. This is not another repetition of what you had earlier written; it is an emphasis on the major ideas that you have raised in the body of your paper. 
  • The significance of the points: Now that you have stated the highlights of your work as a recap; it is now time to tell your readers the value of what you of done to the realities of the moment. You are expected to sound very convincing here in a way that will make your readers buy into your idea.

Final thoughts

The same energy and attention that you gave to your introduction should be reproduced in your conclusion. If you began well; it is compulsory to end well.